View of the opening (more pictures below)  
Otto Mogren, solo exhibition (01.10 - 17.10)
Otto Mogren is a young Swedish artist with a MFA degree from the Valand School of fine Art in Gothenburg.  Mogren works in several media, but it is with his animated videos his work has been best crystallized so far. Mogren's chosen technique is claymation the same technique another Swedish artist has been making international success with recently. We are of course referring to Nathalie Djurberg whose animated clay figures were one of the centerpieces of the 53rd Venice Biennale. Like Djurberg, Mogren merges the dreamlike with the macabre using this medium otherwise associated with entertainment for children, to create his strange narratives. But Mogren's style owe more to another Swedish filmmaker; Roy Andersson (known for movies like You, the Living, and Songs from the Second Floor) whose characters are closed inside themselves rather than expressive to the level of the grotesque as in Djurberg's films.

CAC is showing two of Mogren's videos, “The Vessel” from 2006, and “Grande Finale” from 2007.

My work has overall a narrative character. It is more or less inspired by self-experienced images, be it external or internal ones. It does not matter much whether what I derive from myself is true in an autobiographical sense or not. What I put in the spotlight is what I feel have a visual and emotional value. In my work I move between different mediums like painting, sculpture and animation, they inspire each other. I often feel that it is most powerful when the end product of my work is a video. This is where things come alive. Time and the relations between the characters and objects can develop into more complex situations. /Otto Mogren

Grande Finale, 2:32 min. 2007
Otto Mogren je mlad Švedski umetnik, ki je magistriral na Valand School of Fine Art v Gothenburgu. Mogren se ukvarja s številnimi mediji, vendar se je njegovo delo do sedaj najbolj kristaliziralo ravno v animiranen videu. Tehnika, v kateri animira, je claymation, torej gre za isti tehnični pristop, s katerim zadnja leta dosega mednarodni uspeh Švedska umetnica Nathalie Djurberg, katere animirane figurice so bile eno osrednjih del 53. Beneškega bienala. Podobno kot Djurberg tudi Mogren spaja sanjsko z makabrim, medtem ko za svoje čudne pripovedi uporablja medij, ki je običajno asociiran z razvedrilom za otroke. Vendar se Mogrenov stil navezuje še na enega Švedskega umetnika – tako Otto kot režiser Roy Andersson (poznan po filmih, kot so ”Ti, ki živiš” in ”Pesmi iz drugega nadstropja”) pripovedujeta o osebah, ki so zaprte vase raje kot ekspresivne do nivoja grotesknosti, kakor v filmih Nathalie Djurberg.

CAC bo prikazoval dva Mogrenova videa, ”The Vessel” (Ladja) iz leta 2006 ter ”Grande Finale” iz leta 2007.
Curators / Kustosa: Nina Slejko & Conny Blom



The Vessel, 5:57 min. 2006


Bukovje, 1.10.2010, 20:00 - 22:00



supported by   cac    