

Artist's talk: Magnus Petersson

Within the Teatime project curators and artists are invited over for tea/coffee and home baked cookies. We are referring to the events as artist's/curator's talks. The audience is welcomed to join us for an informal gathering. Curators might be gently encouraged to see art currently on display.

In the tradition of relational aesthetics, social art projects where artist and audience interact on a direct level, this project aims to comment on one of the key problems in art today. Never before has the art world so openly been admitting to be plain business and nothing else. Networking skills have become a measure of artistic quality and at the same time interest in actual works of art seems to be lower than ever. Artists tend to be chosen for institutional exhibitions to prove curatorial ideas rather than due to the excellence of their work. The biggest losers in this situation (possibly apart from the audience) are the artists.


Kalmar konstmuseum, Sweden, November 13, 2011

CAC Bukovje is arranging events and exhibitions that melt together with the daily life, and tries to ignore the standardized paths of professional socializing amongst art workers.


Pogovor z umetnikom: Magnus Petersson

V okviru projekta Čajanka so umetniki in kustosi povabljeni na obisk in na skodelico kave ali čaja in domače pecivo. Dogodki so zamišljeni kot artist's/curator's talks (pogovori z umetnikom, kostosom). Občinstvo je vabljeno, da se nam pridruži pri neformalnem srečanju. Kustosi bodo deležni nežne vzpodbude k ogledu del umetnikov, ki jih predstavljamo.

V tradiciji »relational aesthetics« ali družabnih umetniških projektov, kjer umetnik in publika sodelujejo na neposrednem nivoju, skuša ta projekt komentirati enega ključnih problemov sodobne umetnosti. Nikoli prej umetniški svet ni tako javno in brez zadrege priznaval, da je le posel in nič več kot to. Obvladanje »networking-a«, spletanja vezi in poznanstev znotraj umetniškega socialnega sistema, je postalo merilo umetniške kvalitete in obenem je zanimanje za konkretna novonastala umetniška dela manjše kot kdajkoli. Kustosi izbirajo tiste umetnike, ki potrdijo njihove kuratorske ideje, raje kot na podlagi odličnosti umetniških del. Največji poraženci v tej situaciji (morebiti poleg občinstva) so umetniki. CAC Bukovje organizira dogodke in razstave, ki sovpadajo z običajnim življenjem in ignorira ustaljene poti profesionalnega druženja med umetniškimi delavci.


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