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Elin Bruun-Nystedt, Angelica Olsson & Nina Slejko (18 March - 31 March)

Elin Bruun-Nystedt (born 1979) is a Danish artist who is currently finishing her MFA at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts in the north of Sweden.
The recurrent themes in her work are social structures and female identity. What is "a good life"? Bruun Nystedt investigates everyday situations and our dreams of a better life.  In the video "Frasse & I" she wrestles with the image of herself and her temptations in relation to a fast food burger restaurant. In its small, intimate format, the video resembles an admission at a confessional.  Should a socially and politically aware, young, female artist really be eating at a burger place?

More info at: http://elinbruun-nystedt.net/


Angelica Olsson (born 1978) is a Swedish artist living in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The video "Kiruna Prologue" is the first part of a bigger project Olsson is currently working on.Kiruna is the northernmost major city in Sweden. 145 kilometres into the Artic Circle, Kiruna has grown around what was to become the world's largest iron ore mine, but now the industry that created the town threatens to consume it. Ground subsidence caused by the extensive mining is endangering the city, and to avoid being swallowed by the ground the municipality has decided to move the whole city to a new location.
Running through Olsson's video is the underground highway leading you from the depths of the mine all the way to the surface. This is mixed with fragments from municipality meetings, dealing with the question of how to move the city and where, images from the city, the mountain where the ore is being extracted and empty houses, abandoned because of the ground that is caving in due to the mining.

more info at: http://www.angelicaolsson.com/ofhome.htm


Nina Slejko (born 1982) is a Slovene artist living in Slovenia and Sweden.
With her painting projects Slejko examines the art world, the mechanisms of the art market, and the minimalist heritage in painting today. Through the years the white monochrome has kept intriguing Slejko and she has done several works that approach this final monument of modernism with both humour and true devotion.
The extensive series of small size paintings called "Scenes from Lives" is however something quite far from an investigation into minimalist expression. In this work Slejko is adapting a figurative, narrative style with a rich colour palette far from her otherwise formal paintings. In "Scenes from Lives" reality and fiction merge, and events from real life are presented side by side with images from movies. At a first glance the paintings seem harmless and empty of any kind of discourse, like the work of a happy Sunday painter, but at a closer inspection the images open up a world not unlike that of American film maker David Lynch. Underneath the seemingly idyllic there is something fundamentally wrong. Behind glossy colours and red lipstick smiles, things are not how they are supposed to be. There is a blood stain on the white picket fence, the happy, middleclass suburban life is threatened.



More info at: http://www.ninaslejko.com/

Parallel the exhibition "Baldessari sings Lewitt" with John Baldessari is on display. (4 March - 31 March) http://www.cac-bukovje.com/Baldessari.html


Elin Bruun-Nystedt, Angelica Olsson in Nina Slejko

Elin Bruun-Nystedt (rojena 1979) je Danska umetnica, ki trenutno dokončuje magistrski študij na Umetnostni akademiji v Umeå-u, na severu Švedske. Bruun Nystedt se pri svojem delu vedno znova vrača k problemom socialnih struktur in ženske identitete. Kaj je ”dobro življenje”? Bruun Nystedt raziskuje vsakodnevne situacije in naše sanje po boljšem življenju. V videu “Frasse & I” (Frasse in jaz) se bojuje z lastno podobo in svojimi skušnjavami v odnosu do burger-restavracije s hitro hrano. S svojim majhnim, intimnim formatom, video spominja na spoved. Je res primerno, da socialno in politično zavestna, mlada, ženska umetnica je burgerje v restavraciji s hitro hrano?

Več informacij na: http://elinbruun-nystedt.net/


Angelica Olsson (rojena 1978) je Švedska umetnica, ki živi v Gothenburgu, na Švedskem. Video “Kiruna Prologue” (Kiruna Prolog) je prvi del večjega projekta s katerim se trenutno ukvarja Olsson.
Kiruna je najsevernejše večje mesto na Švedskem. 145 kilometrov nad polarnim krogom je Kiruna zrasla v okolici rudnika železne rude, ki je postal največji svoje vrste na svetu. Sedaj industrija, ki je ustvarila mesto, grozi, da ga bo pogoltnila. Pogrezanje zemlje, ki ga je povzročilo obsežno rudarjenje, se z veliko hitrostjo približuje mestu. Da ga ne bi pogoltala tla, so se mestne oblasti odločile preseliti celotno mesto na novo lokacijo.
Skozi Olssonin video nas podzemna železnica pelje iz globin rudnika do površine. Ti posnetki so prežeti s fragmenti iz občinskih srečanj, kjer se ukvarjajo s tem, kako preseliti mesto in kam, s posnetki mesta, gore, kjer kopljejo rudo in praznih hiš, zapuščenih zaradi neposredne bližine ogromne luknje, ki zaradi rudarjenja vsak dan zraste za sedem centimetrov.

Več informacij na: http://www.angelicaolsson.com/ofhome.htm

Nina Slejko (rojena 1982) je Slovenska umetnica, ki živi v Sloveniji in na Švedskem.
S svojimi slikarskimi projekti Slejko preučuje umetnostni svet, mehanizme umetniškega trga in minimalistično tradicijo v slikarstvu danes. Že več let jo intrigira beli monokrom in ustvarila je vrsto del, ki se tako s humorjem kot z resnično predanostjo približujejo temu končnemu trenutku modernizma.
Obsežna serija slik majhnega formata z naslovom ”Scenes From Lives” (Prizori iz življenj) pa je sicer nekaj čisto drugega kot raziskava minimalističnega izraza. V tem delu se Slejko poslužuje figurativnega, pripovednega stila z bogato barvno paleto, ki je kar daleč od njenega siceršnjega formalnega slikarstva. V ”Prizorih iz življenj” se realnost in fikcija združita in dogodki iz resničnih življenj so predstavljeni ob boku prizorom iz filmov. Na prvi pogled se slike zdijo neškodljive in prazne kakršnekoli razprave, kot dela veselega nedeljskega slikarja, vendar ob pazljivejšem pogledu podobe odprejo svet ne zelo drugačen od tega, ki ga ustvarja ameriški režiser David Lynch. Pod navidez idiličnim je nekaj zelo narobe. Pod bleščečimi barvami in rdeče našminkanimi smehljaji stvari niso takšne, kot bi morale biti. Na beli leseni ograjici je krvni madež, srečna, predmestna idila je ogrožena.

Več informacij na: http://www.ninaslejko.com/

Obenem je na ogled razstava "Baldessari sings Lewitt"(Baldessari poje LeWitta) z Johnom Baldessarijem. (4 March - 31 March) http://www.cac-bukovje.com/Baldessari.html


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