Carl Johan Engberg, We Don't Go There Anymore (22.10 - 13.11)
Carl Johan Engberg is a Swedish artist based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Engberg works in several media ranging from drawings and text via sculpture to video installations. In his work Engberg deals with the choices we have to make in our lives, our ambitions and our beliefs. In several works Engberg has been discussing the place of religion in our modern society, most often so with Christianity in focus. We Don't Go There Anymore is a poetic documentary about the demolition of a church. For the first time ever a church was demolished in Sweden due to superfluousness and Engberg followed the two year process closely. Engberg has previously exhibited at the 2nd Moscow Biennale, Gothenburg Museum of Art, Kaliningrad State Art Gallery and more. For more information see: |
SLO Carl Johan Engberg je švedski umetnik, ki živi in dela v Gothenburgu na Švedskem. Engberg ustvarja v različnih medijih, tako se njegova dela gibljejo med risbo in tekstom, pa preko kiparstva in slike do video inštalacij. V svojem delu se ukvarja z odločitvami, ki jih ljudje sprejemamo iz dneva v dan, z našimi ambicijami in prepričanji. V več delih je Engberg razpravljal o mestu, ki ga ima religija v zahodni moderni družbi, največkrat s krščanstvom v žarišču. ”We Don’t Go There Anymore” (“Ne hodimo več tja”) je poetični dokumentarec o podiranju cerkve. Prvič v zgodovini so porušili cerkev na Švedskem leta 2008. Za rušenje so se cerkvene oblasti odločile, ker je bilo cerkev preveč glede na uporabnike. Engberg je od blizu sledil dvoletnemu procesu. Več informacij na:
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