

Marko Brecelj
The day after tomorrow has passed and it will happen tomorrow

November 18-December 3 2023

Marko Brecelj, a Slovene poet, musician, youth and social worker, artist, activist, political agitator and "a soft terrorist"—as he called himself—died in 2022. In the words of some of the most prominent Slovene culture workers Brecelj was "one of the most overlooked Slovene artists", "a person who in fact lived what he worked," "one of the very first performance artists of the 20th century" and "a complex and a complicated personality".
Also, he was "the singer of Buldozer" and "a pearl of the Slovene culture and art scene."

"A legend."

The exhibition will present a selection of his work, spanning from sound through films and documentation of soft-terrorism actions.

The exhibition is produced in collaboration with DPZN (Society of Friends of Moderate Progress) and Slovene Ministry of culture.



At the same time, an exhibition Marko Brecelj: Četrti četrtki,Trobente in Klarineti is opening in Slovenia at our twin gallery sister gallery gallery twinning GalerijaGallery in Ljubljana.

Photo: Zdravko Primožič

En elefant balanserar,
But I have an aching heart;
Ingen längre revolterar,
It's soon time to die and part.

And the world is going to hell;
Those that have, in richness dwell,
Could care less about the other's Today.
Big Joe and little Sven
are spreading Democracy!
Ciao, honesty; seså.
Intelligence, hejdå!

From: Kekčeva pesem, Marko Brecelj


Kekčeva pesem

Biba leze, biba gre,
gnili moji so zobje.
Pod očmi so kolobarji,
»Saj to sem jaz!
O bog nas varji!«

Raca leže, noj vali,
mene pa srce boli;
nihče noče se upreti,
kmalu treba bo umreti.

Svet pa gre hudiču v rit;
Kdor ima in kdor je sit,
briga ga za drugih Danes.
Velik Joe in mali Janez
Širita Demokracijo!
Čao poštenje,
pamet adijo!