SLO below  
Miltos Manetas - Angels(4 June - 18 June, 2011)

CAC Bukovje is proud to present the first ever exhibition of Miltos Manetas’ works in Slovenia.

In the 1990’s Miltos Manetas (1964, Greece) was categorized as one of the artists within the field of Relational Aesthetics and he was also included in Nicolas Bourriaud’s book with the same name. However, by 1996 Manetas abandoned performance and actions to explore the possibilities of working with the internet and computer games as medium. With his work Manetas was to become one of the pioneers within these new fields of art.

Manetas has had an extensive international career and he has had solo exhibitions at both Gagosian Gallery and Yvon Lambert Gallery in New York, and he has also exhibited at for example Palais De Tokyo, Paris and the 2nd Prague Biennial. He was also the initiator of the Internet Pavillion for the 53rd Venice Biennial together with Jan Åman, a project that will reappear for the 54th edition of the biennial this year.

In the exhibition five of Manetas classic internet projects will be presented, as well as a new site specific work. For the exhibition a small catalogue has been produced. Click HERE for Pdf version.

Curators: Nina Slejko & Conny Blom

With special thanks to Miltos Manetas.




CAC Bukovje s ponosom predstavlja prvo razstavo Miltosa Manetasa v Sloveniji.

V devetdesetih letih je bil v Grčiji rojen Miltos Manetas (1964) eden od umetnikov razporejenih znotraj polja Relational Aesthetics (družabnih umetniških projektov), vključen je bil tudi v knjigo Nicolasa Bourriauda z istim imenom. A že leta 1996 je Miltos opustil performans in umetniške akcije, da bi raziskoval možnosti ustvarjanja z internetom in računalniškimi igrami kot umetniškima medijema. S svojim delom je Manetas kmalu postal eden pionirjev tega novega umetniškega žanra.

Manetas ima za seboj obsežno mednarodno kariero in je samostojno razstavljal v galerijah kot Gagosian in Yvon Lambert v New Yorku, pa na primer v Palais De Tokyo v Parizu in na drugem Praškem bienalu. Je tudi ustanovitelj Internetnega paviljona, ki sta ga skupaj z Janom Åmanom organizirala za 53. Beneški bienale, projekt pa se bo ponovil tudi letos, na 54. izvedbi bienala.

V CAC Bukovje bo na ogled pet Manetasovih klasičnih internetnih projektov, obenem pa tudi novo site-specicifc delo. Razstavo spremlja majhen katalog.
Kliknite TU za pdf verzijo.

Kuratorja: Nina Slejko & Conny Blom

Posebno lepa hvala Miltosu Manetasu.



supported by   cac    