SLO below  
Leon Zuodar (22 July - 7 August, 2011)

Leon Zuodar (born 1977) is a Slovene artist who works both within established institutions and as a street artist, consequently ignoring the hierarchies of the art world and creating his own distributions systems, producing artist books, drawings, paintings, sculptures and performances with small means used to outmost efficiency. Together with Miha Perne he works under the moniker Beli Sladoled (White Ice-cream) and earlier this year they were selected for the OHO award. Together with Perne as well as solo, Zuodar has exhibited extensively across Europe, both in established venues and in more alternative spaces. Zuodar’s work is full of narratives and reflections steaming out of the artists views on our society and memories of growing up in Yugoslavia, but the social commentary serve as a vehicle for personal and intimate stories rather than political statements. His work is full of warmth and humanity and seeing his works, long lost memories from your own childhood might just as well be stirred to the surface. Zuodar’s visual language is both naïve and formally exquisite at the same time, and when one adds a large dose of wittiness and humour to the mix one have a quite tasty dish.  When we catch ourselves leaving the exhibition with a smile or at the least not in a bad mood, let us remind ourselves that art is art even when it is not pointing its finger at the terrible perils that neither we, nor the artist or curator or the institution will even attempt to solve. Let us remind ourselves, that art is to be seen and felt and that is does not necessarily have to be literally explainable with words.

Beli Sladoled website: http://www.belisladoled.org/


Leon Zuodar (rojen 1977) je Slovenski umetnik, ki sodeluje tako z zelo priznanimi institucijami kot samostojno kot ulični umetnik, in s tem ignorira hierarhije umetniškega sveta in ustvarja svoje lastne sisteme distribucije, produciranja umetniških knjig, risb, slik, skulptur in performansov z majhnimi sredstvi, ki so uporabljena do maksimalne učinkovitosti. Skupaj z Miho Pernetom deluje pod imenom Beli sladoled, s katerim sta letošnja prejemnika nagrade OHO. Samostojno in skupaj s Pernetom Zuodar razstavlja križem-kražem po Evropi, tako v priznanih institucijah kot tudi v alternativnih prostorih. Njegovo delo je polno pripovedi in refleksij izhajajočih iz umetnikovega odnosa do družbe in njegovih spominov na odraščanje v Jugoslaviji, vendar tu socialno obarvani komentarji služijo kot zagon za osebne in intimne zgodbe raje kot za politične izjave. Njegova dela so polna topline in človeškosti in ob njihovem ogledovanju se nam prav lahko zgodi, da bodo na površje privreli že dolgo pozabljeni spomini iz lastnega otroštva. Zuodarjeva vizualna govorica je obenem naivna in formalno sijajna, in ko se tej mešanici doda zajetna doza domiselnosti in humorja, nastane prav okusna jed.
Ko se ujamemo, da odhajamo iz razstave z nasmeškom ali vsaj ne slabe volje, naj se opomnimo, da je umetnost umetnost tudi še tedaj, ko s prstom ne kaže na težave, ki jih ne mi, ne umetnik, niti kurator ali institucije ne bodo niti poskusili rešiti. Opomnimo se, da je umetnost za to, da bi bila videna in občutena in da ni nujno potrebno, da bi bila dobesedno prevedljiva z besedami.

Beli Sladoled website: http://www.belisladoled.org/


Leon Zuodar

Leon Zuodar

supported by   cac    