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Jonathan Meese: *Animalisma-Renda-Propaganda-Muminalisma Full bio-logisch
Metabolismmmm im Maul
*(Mirananny, Mirandaddy, Noradaddy)
(22 July - 7 August, 2011)
CAC Bukovje is proud to present the first ever exhibition of celebrated German artist Jonathan Meese's works in Slovenia. Jonathan Meese has exhibited extensively all over the world since the mid 1990's and he has had solo exhibitions at amongst others KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin, de Appel Arts Centre in Amsterdam, Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt, Stuart Shave / Modern Art in London, and performances at amongst others Tate Modern in London, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art in Istanbul, Studio Matthew Barney in New York and more.
The work of Jonathan Meese is an attack against all ideologies, all attempts to form hierarchies, be it democracy or communism. Only humans are able to organize hate, he says, we are not born with ideas of religion or power, it is all injected into us by adults. Art has the potential to liberate us from all of this, but we must realize that it is a game, and artists are mere participants in this game. There is no such thing as artistic genius. To say that you are a genius in front of art is like saying "I have a lot of energy" in front of the sun.
In Meese's work the conventional power structures are dissolved and everything exists on the same plane - Moomin-trolls next to Adolf Hitler next to Scarlett Johansson. Popular culture, politics religion and fine art are all processed by Meese and thrown into a blender. With the intensity of a madman Meese builds a language with a plethora of associations and double meanings, bold statements and nonsense merged to a seemingly consistent whole that Meese presents with the conviction and passion of a religious fanatic. In many senses he is the amalgamation of more than two hundred years of the most hierarchic, masculine German culture - Caspar David Friedrich, Richard Wagner, Nazi aesthetics, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Anselm Kiefer, Joseph Beuys, Georg Baselitz and Martin Kippenberger all merged into an amphetamine spiked cocktail that Meese intentionally decorates with a few too many cheerfully coloured umbrellas, making the pompous gestures spill over and trickle out on the bar counter in a puddle of ridicule.  In his performances Meese is known to frequently use the Hitler salute, but when sniffing his armpit at the same time, the gesture is violated and vulgarised to a magnitude it hardly can recover from.
In the exhibition Jonathan Meese's 16 minute video "Dr Noangstea's Dorian Scarlettierbaby's Revolutions Parfum: DICTATORSHIP OF ART (SUSSESUSSESUSSE, YOU... (MR MAJESTICKX on the run Loganfox))" will be presented alongside texts and informational material that will provide further insights into the artist's work.

With special thanks to Jonathan Meese, Doris Mampe and Jan Bauer.



Jonathan Meese

*Animalisma-Renda-Propaganda-Muminalisma Full bio-logisch Metabolismmmm im Maul
*(Mirananny, Mirandaddy, Noradaddy)

CAC Bukovje s ponosom predstavlja prvo razstavo del slavnega Nemškega umetnika Joanthana Meeseja v Sloveniji. Jonathan Meese obsežno razstavlja od sredine 1990, samostojno se je predstavil med drugim v KW Institute for Contemporary Art v Berlinu, v de Appel Arts Centru v Amsterdamu, Schirn Kunsthalle v Frankfurtu, Stuart Shave/Modern Art ter Tate Modern v Londonu, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art v Istanbulu, Studio Matthew Barney v New Yorku itd ...
Delo Jonathana Meeseja je napad na vse ideologije, vse poskuse formiranja hierarhij, pa naj gre za demokracijo ali komunizem. Le ljudje so sposobni organizirati sovraštvo, pravi umetnik, rodimo se brez idej o religiji ali moči, vse to odrasli injicirajo v nas. Umetnost ima sposobnost osvoboditi nas vsega tega, vendar moramo dojeti, da je vse le igra, in umetniki so le udeleženci v tej igri. Nič takšnega kot "umetniški genij" ne obstaja. Reči, da si genij pred obličjem umetnosti, je kot bi rekel "Imam veliko energije" pred soncem.
V Meesejevem delu so konvencionalne strukture moči raztopljene in vse

Jonathan Meese

Jonathan Meese

Jonathan Meese

Jonathan Meese

obstaja na istem nivoju - Mumin-troli (osebki iz finskih pravljic za otroke) poleg Adolfa Hitlerja poleg Scarlett Johansson. Meese predela in zmelje skupaj popularno kulturo, politiko, vero in umetnost. Z intenzivnostjo blazneža gradi svoj jezik s preobiljem asociacij in dvojnih pomenov, drznih izjav in nesmiselnosti spojenih v na videz čvrsto celoto, ki jo Meese predstavi s prepričanjem in strastjo verskega fanatika. V mnogo smislih je Meese spoj več kot dvesto let najbolj hierarhične, možate Nemške kulture - Caspar David Friedrich, Richard Wagner, Nacistična estetika, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Anselm Kiefer, Joseph Beuys, Georg Baselitz in Martin Kippenberger so vsi združeni v z amfetamini začinjenem koktejlu, ki ga Meese namenoma okrasi s preveč veselo obarvanimi dežnički, povzročajoč da se pompozne geste razlijejo čez rob in kapljajo na pult v lužici smešenja. V svojih performansih Meese mnogokrat uporablja Hitlerjevo salutiranje, vendar, ko obenem voha svojo podpazduho, postane gesta oskrunjena in vulgarizirana do takšne meje, da si od tega zlepa ne opomore.
Na razstavi bo poleg besedil in informacijskega materiala, ki bo ponudil nadaljnji vpogled v umetnikovo delo, predstavljen Jonathan Meesejev 16 minutni video "Dr Noangstea's Dorian Scarlettierbaby's Revolutions Parfum: DICTATORSHIP OF ART (SUSSESUSSESUSSE, YOU... (MR MAJESTICKX on the run Loganfox))".
Video je v angleškem in nemškem jeziku, na voljo bo transkripcija v slovenskem jeziku.

Posebno lepa hvala Jonathanu Meeseju, Doris Mampe and Janu Bauerju.
jonathan meese
jonathan meese meese
meese jonathan
supported by   cac    