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Eric Doeringer, Nikoli vec ne bom delal dolgocasne umetnosti (I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art) (22.10 - 28.11)

In 1971 John Baldessari was asked by the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Canada to do an exhibition at the school gallery. Since the funds could not be raised for Baldessari's journey, the artist suggested that the students should execute the piece for him. They were to write the phrase "I will not make any more boring art" on the gallery walls. Possibly inspired by the work, the students covered the walls completely with the sentence, which furthermore inspired Baldessari to later execute his own version of the work both as a video piece in which he is seen writing the sentence repeatedly in a note book, and also presented as a well known text piece/drawing. The sentence itself was reflecting Baldessari's dissatisfaction with the state of painting in the early 70's and the piece was telling of a new form of art that has started to gain grounds and of which John Baldessari was one of the forerunners of.  Ideas that could be executed by others than the artist him/herself and likewise performative actions meant taking big steps away from painting and sculpture into a new form of art - the conceptual art.  


conceptual art centre bukovje

New York based artist Eric Doeringer works continuously with questions of authorship and copyright. With his continuous "Bootleg" series he has since 2001 been making small scale cheap copies of more established and commercial artists' work, selling them in the streets or outside art fairs like a street vendor selling fake Gucci bags or pirate CD's. With the "Bootleg" series Doeringer has gained quite a lot of attention and his copies has now entered into established exhibition spaces around the world.
In most cases the artists whom Doeringer has copied have reacted with amusement, but in some cases he has been threatened with lawsuits. The latter was the case when he made his own  John Currin and Alex Katz pieces.
In the "Bootleg" series Doeringer's idea has been to copy artworks with a commercial potential. Since 2008 he has also started to re-create and reenact conceptual artworks. Works that do not translate into a commercial product as easily. The "Conceptual Art Recreations" series so far features remakes of works by amongst others Sol LeWitt, On Kawara and Yoko Ono. At CAC Bukovje Doeringer will be restaging Baldessari's piece "I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art" as mentioned above. Supposedly the original wall piece has only been staged two times since Nova Scotia, and this is the first time it will be executed in the Slovene language. Doeringer has decided to install the piece with the help of audience participation, where we, the curators and staff at CAC are to start writing the sentence and pencils will be offered to the visitors to add their promises of not making any more boring art.
For more information: http://www.ericdoeringer.com/


CAC Bukovje



Leta 1971 so študentje akademije za umetnost in dizajn Nova Scotia v Kanadi prosili Johna Baldessarija, če bi razstavljal v njihovi šolski galeriji. Ker niso imeli dovolj denarja za Johnovo potovanje, je umetnik predlagal študentom, naj izvedejo delo po njegovem naročilu, delujoč kot nadomestki za umetnika; na stene galerije naj bi napisali stavek “Nikoli več ne bom delal dolgočasne umetnosti” (I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art). Študentje so s stavkom povsem prekrili stene galerije, kar je bilo Baldessariju všeč in je pozneje delo izvedel tudi sam, kot video delo, kjer vidimo umetnika kako znova in znova zapisuje ta stavek v zvezek, pa tudi kot slavno risbo/besedilo na papirju. Stavek je odražal Baldessarijevo nezadovoljstvo s slikarstvom zgodnih sedemdesetih let, delo samo pa je nakazovalo novo obliko umetnosti, ki se je takrat začenjala uveljavljati. John Baldessari je bil eden začetnikov te nove smeri, značilnosti katere so poudarek na ideji namesto na izvedbi in to, da te ideje lahko ne izvede umetnik sam, temveč nekdo drugi (lahko občinstvo). To je pomenilo velik odmik od ustaljenih umetniških praks slikarstva in kiparstva v novo likovno panogo – konceptualno umetnost (na ideji bazirano umetnost).

New Yorški umetnik Eric Doeringer se v svojem delu ukvarja z vprašanji avtorstva in avtorskih pravic. V okviru serije ”Bootleg” (Ponaredki), ki jo ustvarja že od leta 2001, izdeluje majhne, poceni kopije del priznanih in komercialno uspešnih umetnikov ter jih prodaja na ulicah in pred vhodi v sejme umetnosti, bienale in podobne umetniške dogodke, tako kot ulični prodajalci prodajajo ponaredke Gucci torb ali piratske kopije glasbenih zgoščenk ali filmskih DVD-jev. S to serijo je Doeringer dosegel kar precej pozornosti in njegove kopije so vstopile v priznane razstavne prostore po vsem svetu. V večini primerov so se umetniki, katerih dela je Doeringer kopiral, odzvali pozitivno, v nekaj redkih primerih pa so mu grozili s tožbami, kot na primer John Currin in Alex Katz.
V seriji “Ponaredki” Doeringer kopira izključno dela s komercialnim potencialom. Od leta 2008 pa je začel tudi na novo uprizarjati priznana konceptualna dela. Dela, ki se jih ne da zlahka prevesti v komercialne produkte. “Conceptual Art Recreations” (Predelave konceptualne umetnosti) je serija, ki do sedaj vsebuje ponovne uprizoritve del umetnikov kot so med drugimi Sol LeWitt, On Kawara in Yoko Ono. V CAC Bukovje bo Doeringer na novo uprizoril Baldessari-jevo delo “I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art” (Nikoli več ne bom delal dolgočasne umetnosti), kot opisano zgoraj. Originalna postavitev naj bi bila ponovljena le dvakrat od prve predstavitve v Novi Scotii, in to bo prva takšna postavitev v Slovenskem jeziku. Doeringer se je odločil postaviti delo s pomočjo sodelovanja publike, kjer bova kuratorja ter ostali sodelavci CAC-a začeli z nekajkratnim pisanjem stavka in svinčniki bodo na voljo obiskovalcem, ki bodo tako lahko tudi sami obljubili, da ne bodo nikoli več delali dolgočasne umetnosti.

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Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje

supported by   cac    