Alternative Economy - Works From the Collection
(10 December - 28 December 2010)

Rasmus Albertsen (Denmark), Donald Baechler (USA), Conny Blom (Sweden), Kalle Brolin (Sweden), Eric Doeringer (USA), Carl Johan Engberg (Sweden), Gilbert & George (UK), Astrid Göransson (Sweden), IRWIN (Roman Uranjek) (Slovenia), Lisa Jeannin (Sweden), Kristina Müntzing (Sweden), Serkan Özkaya (Turkey), Miha Perne (Slovenia), Rolf Schuurmans (The Netherlands), Daniel Segerberg (Sweden), Nina Slejko (Slovenia), Ninia Sverdrup (Sweden), Johan Wik (Sweden), Leon Zuodar (Slovenia)

Many art collections are built out of love for art. And then there are those who are assembled as an investment. A well selected art collection can serve to represent the profile of an institution or the taste of a private collector, but a collection is also a signifier of status. As such, it is very much part of a hierarchic system, one that strives to manifest positions and maintain order. It is a capitalist structure where art is treated as stocks and thereby a target for speculation. Within such a structure a gallery might reject a buyer if her/his collection does not have enough status and thus cannot further the economic value of the piece by its inclusion in their collection. A collector can also effectively sabotage an artist’s career if she/he decides to sell off the works of a specific author. Artists are very much at the mercy of the players within this system, but at the same time, the artists should preferably not stress any commercial aspirations of their own publicly. Nobody wants to hear that the higher goal with an art piece is to successfully place it within a market system. Ideally, the artists should have idealistic reasons for making their work, and it should be executed according to a politically leftish agenda with an oppositional stance against established power structures. But of course, at the same time, the artist should in reality comply with the system.



There is however one thing a capitalist system cannot deal with. It is called “for free”.  The capitalist strategies of domination are basically based on two actions, raising or lowering prices. There is no way of opposing something that is offered for free. In 2006 British authorities were severely upset with Mozilla when they figured out that the organisation was giving their Firefox browser away for free. As they stated, if companies like Mozilla give away their software for free, it becomes very difficult for the authorities to enforce UK anti-piracy legislation. In other words; only if everything has a price, the system can function smoothly. As soon as one starts giving things away for free, one becomes a threat to the order. It is in fact rather easy to defy the system, as long as one is okay with being poor. And judging by how many people have little choice in the matter and have to be poor whether they like it or not, perhaps the world is quite ready for an alternative economy.

The CAC Bukovje collection is solemnly based on donations, personal gifts and trades. No money has changed hands, building the collection.

For the exhibition a small catalogue has been produced.
Click HERE for Pdf version

cac bukovje donald baechler

Alternativna ekonomija – Dela iz zbirke

Rasmus Albertsen (Danska), Donald Baechler (ZDA), Conny Blom (Švedska), Kalle Brolin (Švedska), Eric Doeringer (ZDA), Carl Johan Engberg (Švedska), Gilbert & George (VB), Astrid Göransson (Švedska), IRWIN(Roman Uranjek)(Slovenija), Lisa Jeannin (Švedska), Kristina Müntzing (Švedska), Serkan Özkaya (Turčija), Miha Perne (Slovenija), Rolf Schuurmans (Nizozemska), Daniel Segerberg (Švedska), Nina Slejko (Slovenija), Ninia Sverdrup (Švedska), Johan Wik (Švedska), Leon Zuodar (Slovenija)

Veliko zbirk nastane iz ljubezni do umetnosti. So pa tudi takšne, ki jih ljudje gradijo kot investicijo. Pazljivo izbrana zbirka lahko predstavlja profil institucije ali okus privatnega zbiratelja, a zbirka je tudi znanilec statusa. Kot taka je zelo vpeta v hierarhični sistem, ki  se trudi manifestirati družbeni položaj in ohranjati red. Je kapitalistična zgradba, znotraj katere se z umetnostjo ravna kot z delnicami in kjer umetniška dela kaj hitro postanejo tarča spekulacij. Znotraj takšne strukture se dogaja, da galerije zavračajo kupce, če le ti nimajo dovolj uglednega statusa, ki bi lahko zagotovil rast ekonomske vrednosti umetniškega dela z njegovo vključitvijo v svojo zbirko. Zbiratelji lahko tudi učinkovito sabotirajo umetnikovo kariero, če se odločijo, da bodo razprodali dela določenega avtorja. Umetniki so v veliki meri prepuščeni na milost in nemilost igralcem znotraj tega sistema, vendar naj bi istočasno ne izpostavljali svoje želje po komercialnem uspehu. Nihče noče slišati, da je višji cilj umetniškega dela to, da se uspešno plasira znotraj tržnega sistema. Umetniki naj bi imeli idealistične razloge za ustvarjanje svojih praviloma politično levo usmerjenih del, ki naj bi imela vsaj ščepec odporne drže proti ustaljenim strukturam moči. Vendar morajo v resnici ti isti umetniki obenem delovati v skladu s tem istim sistemom.
Obstaja pa ena stvar, s katero se besen kapitalistični sistem ne zna kosati. Imenuje se »zastonj«. Kapitalistične strategije prevlade so v bistvu osnovane na dveh akcijah, višanju in nižanju cen. Ne poznajo načina, po katerem bi se lahko zoperstavile nečemu, kar je ponujeno zastonj. Leta 2006 so bile Britanske oblasti nadvse jezne na Mozillo, ko so ugotovile, da ta organizacija ponuja svoj spletni brskalnik Firefox zastonj. Kot so pojasnili, postaja procedura uveljavljanja proti-piratske zakonodaje za oblast zelo otežena, če podjetja, kot je Mozilla, oddajajo svoje programe zastonj. Ali z drugimi besedami; le če ima vse ceno, lahko sistem gladko funkcionira. Kakor hitro nekdo prične podarjati stvari zastonj, ta postane grožnja redu. Tako se je pravzaprav zelo enostavno upirati sistemu, če nas le ne moti preveč biti reven. In če sodimo po tem, koliko ljudi ima zelo malo izbire pri tej stvari in morajo biti revni, če jim je to všeč ali ne, je morda svet že čisto pripravljen na alternativno ekonomijo.
Zbirka CAC Bukovje je v celoti bazirana na donacijah, osebnih darilih in izmenjavah. Nič denarja ni zamenjalo dlani pri ustvarjanju te zbirke.

Razstavo spremlja majhen katalog.
Kliknite TU za pdf verzijo.

conny blom



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