Johan Wik, solo exhibition (12 November - 27 November)

Johan Wik (1975) is a Swedish artist who is currently working on his MFA exhibition at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in Stockholm, parallel to his professional work as a film editor.

In recent  years art video has approached the technical quality of big production feature film and we have also seen  artists like Steve McQueen and Miranda July actually move over to the cinema format. This leakage into the fields of feature film has on a broader level been made possible with the development of the digital video formats as well as the affordability of said technique.  Still, lack of experience with editing and directing (as well as obvious budget restraints) often leave the art video plodding behind in its attempts to reach the formal qualities of feature films. Johan Wik however manages to effortlessly master the technical aspects of film making. His videos are formal gems, the visual quality is seamless and superb.


As far as the photography, editing, camera and sound in his videos are concerned, he could well be an author of a big budget feature film. But he is a video artist, and his movies are video art. There is a complete lack of cause and effect in them. There is no revelation in the end, no explanation, no end of story, no resolution. All that we are served is gore, violence and shock. Johan Wik has an ability to thread between the two genres (of art video and feature film) with painstaking precision and - nonchalance. He serves us pure violence behind which there is an empty nothingness, and an immensely well packaged nothingness at that. Wik offers no reason why, he shows only the bits that help sell blockbusters, but that at the same time shock and repulse when there is no narrative to justify them. It is actually so that his videos are not in fact more violent than the average thriller or action movie produced in Hollywood in recent years, but they can appear to be so as the narratives have been removed, so only the violence remains. There are no catch phrases, one liners or comic relief, nor any satisfying resolutions. Wiks’ videos are the brutality of contemporary entertainment stripped of all excesses. While Hollywood is providing contemporary gladiator games either in the modern coliseum of the movie theatre or straight into your home cinema systems, Wik is holding a mirror up to the viewer and you are forced to face yourself. Like this Wik's videos become the visual manifestations of frustration and trauma, almost cathartic in nature.
Wik approaches art exhibitions following the rules of the movie industry where a commercial product (feature film) has to be advertised well in advance to attract the desire of the audience. Thus Wik produces trailers and virals to advertise his shows, even to the extent of including a trailer for an upcoming exhibition within a current show.  These trailers are, like their full-fledged companions, artefacts of our consumer reality, just ridiculous, empty objects, commodities the consumption of which, according to Herbert Marcuse, mediates all our relationships and experiences. Just like Marcuse’s modern hero, the characters in Wik’s videos are suffering for no apparent cause. They are just suffering for the sake of it.Here Wik balances  on a fine line between the absurd and the ridiculous. This is one of the strengths of his works – the awareness of their potentially ridiculous nature – and by manipulating the borderline Wik manages to avoid being pathetic, melodramatic and pretentious.

Johan Wik

CAC will also present The Problemsolvers, a separate project Wik is working on together with Danish artist Rasmus Albertsen (who has shown at CAC Bukovje earlier this autumn). Together Wik and Albertsen are commenting on our world-wide-webbed society where one can solve every problem on-line. Wik and Albertsen are offering their own solutions to our problems, but the solutions seem more often to function to point out their own excellence than to actually help anybody.  Where the artists are best is in their ability to, while using a humorous approach, still manage to point out smaller and bigger issues the world, or parts thereof, are preoccupying with.

Rasmus Albertsen is a Danish artist living and working in Umeå, Sweden. He is of one of the most promising Danish video artists of the new generation. Continuing the legacy of Peter Land and Jesper Just, Albertsen has developed an own language, in which he is successfully blending David Lynchian atmospheres with absurd humour and a distinct Scandinavian melancholy.

Curators: Nina Slejko and Conny Blom


Johan Wik (1975) je Švedski umetnik, ki trenutno zaključuje magistrski študij na Kraljevi akademiji za likovno umetnost v Stockholmu.

V zadnjih letih se je umetniški video približal tehničnim kvalitetam veliko-produkcijskih celovečernih filmov in bili smo tudi priča prestopom iz videa k filmu umetnikov kot sta Steve Mcqeen in Miranda July. To uhajanje na polje filma sta v veliki meri omogočila razvoj digitalnih video formatov in cenovna dostopnost omenjene tehnologije. Kljub vsemu pa je primanjkljaj izkušenj z montiranjem in režijo (prav tako kot tudi finančne omejitve) pogosto pustil umetniški video s trudom capljajoč za filmom v svojih poskusih doseči formalne kvalitete celovečercev. Johan Wik, na drugi strani, brez truda obvladuje tehnične aspekte izdelovanja filmov. Njegovi videi so formalni biseri, vizualna kvaliteta je brezšivna in veličastna. Kar se tiče fotografije, montaže, kamere in zvoka v njegovih videih, bi lahko čisto zlahka šlo tudi za veliko-proračunske celovečerne filme. Vendar je Wik vizualni umetnik in njegovi filmi so umetniški videi. V njih je popolna odsotnost vzroka in posledic. Nobeno razodetje ne pride s koncem, nobene razlage ni, nobenega zaključka. Deležni smo le krvi, nasilja in strašnih prizorov. Johan Wik se zelo spretno giblje med obema žanroma (umetniškega videa in celovečernega filma), s skrbno natančnostjo in – nonšalanso. Servira nam čisto nasilje, za katerim je prazna ničnost in ta ničnost je neizmerljivo dobro zapakirana. Wik ne ponudi nobenega razloga zakaj, pokaže le koščke, ki pomagajo prodajati filmske uspešnice in ki obenem šokirajo in se nam gnusijo, ko ob njih ni pripovedi, ki bi jih opravičevala. V resnici njegovi videi niso res bolj nasilni od povprečnega trilerja ali akcijskega filma izdelanega v Hollywoodu v zadnjih letih, vendar se lahko zdijo takšni, saj je bila pripoved odvzeta, tako da ostaja le nasilje; nobenih »catch phrases«, »one liners« ali komičnega olajšanja ni. Wikovi videi so brutalnost sodobne zabave slečena vsega odvečnega. Medtem, ko Hollywood skrbi za dotok sodobnih gladiatorskih iger, najsi bo v moderne koloseje filmskih gledališč ali naravnost v naš domači kino sistem, Wik drži gledalcu ogledalo in primorani smo se soočiti sami s seboj. Tako Wikovi videi postanejo vizualne manifestacije frustracij in travm, in skoraj očiščevalni.  
Wik pristopa k umetniškim razstavam sledeč pravilom filmske industrije, kjer mora biti komercialen produkt (celovečerni film) oglaševan veliko vnaprej, da bi vzbudil poželenje pri občinstvu. Tako Wik v svoje delo vključi »trailers« (izvlečke iz prihodnjih videov) in »virals« (zelo kratek, privlačen video- reklama, ki ga pošlje na nekaj elektronskih naslovov; ljudem je všeč in ga sami širijo naprej in s tem širijo reklamo (»viral« vedno deluje po tem konceptu, ni pa nujno da gre za video, lahko je besedilo, fotografija..)) s katerimi reklamira svoje razstave, reklame za prihodnje postavitve vključi tudi v tekoče razstave.
Te “reklame” so, tako kot njihovi polnokrvni spremljevalci, artefakti naše potrošniške realnosti, le smešni, prazni objekti, blago, čigar potrošnja, če se naslonimo na besede Herberta Marcusea, posreduje vsa naša razmerja in doživetja. Ravno tako kot Marcusov moderni junak, tudi osebe v Wikovih videih trpijo brez vidnega razloga. Trpijo le trpljenju na ljubo. Tu Wik lovi ravnotežje na tanki meji med absurdom in nesmislom in ravno v tem je moč njegovih del – zaveda se potencialno smešne, nesmiselne narave svojih pripovedi – in z manipulacijo meje med obema se uspe izogniti temu, da bi bil patetičen, melodramatičen ali pretenciozen.

CAC bo predstavil tudi “Reševalca problemov” (The Problemsolvers), projekt, na katerem Wik dela skupaj z Danskim umetnikom Rasmusom Albertsenom (ki je razstavljal v CAC Bukovje zgodaj te jeseni). Skupaj Wik in Albertsen komentirata našo vse-svetovno-omreženo skupnost, v kateri lahko vsak problem rešimo preko interneta. Wik in Albertsen ponujata svoje rešitve za naše probleme, vendar se le te zdijo bolj osredotočene na prikazovanje ekscelence Rešiteljev (Problemsolvers) kot na resnično nudenje pomoči. Njuna kvaliteta je v tem, da kljub uporabi humornega pristopa, še vedno uspeta opozarjati na resnična manjša ali večja vprašanja s katerimi se trenutno ukvarja svet, ali delčki njega.

Rasmus Albertsen je danski umetnik, rojen 1977, ki živi in dela v Umeå-u na Švedskem. Je soustanovitelj Gallery Maskinen, galerije za sodobno, eksperimentalno umetnost in eden najobetavnejših Danskih videoumetnikov nove generacije. Nadaljujoč delo Petra Landa in Jesperja Justa, Albertsen razvija svoj jezik v katerem uspešno spaja David Lynch-evsko vzdušje z absurdnim humorjem in izrazito Skandinavsko melanholijo.

Kustosa: Nina Slejko & Conny Blom

johan wik




supported by   cac    